01/08/2007. Amigos de Milord
The following images are from of Arwen, that the organization amigos de milord rescued and gave in adoption.
In the left posterior extremity there is an abrasion away from the center point of attachment with a fracture of the four joints with missing skin and exposed tendon in the tarsus region, metatarsus of the toes with traumatic breaks in the extending tendons.
In the right posterior extremity there is an abrasion in the area near the knee affecting the capsular joint and with a torn toendon, an abrasion in the farther tarsus area affecting the tarsus, metatarsus and toes with missing skin and exposed tendon, fractures near the tibia and fractures near the tarsus.
Necrosis in all of the soft tissue and contamination due to maggots.
(Photos to follow later)