Amigos de Milord

Antonio Ribera

There is a telepathic link between my dogs and me. On our daily walk through the forest, near a fork in the trail, where one must choose one trail or the other, my dogs invariably take the trail to the right, in which case I have decided to take either the trail to the right or the opposite to the left. AND THIS IS BEFORE I SAY ANYTHING.

The big celebration of Sant Feliu de Codines is celebrated in mid September, During the celebration in 1982, the organizers were kind enough to send me two invitations for front row seats to attend the Andrés Pajares show, which is celebrated in the afternoon in the marquee. Trini could not go, and I so as not to snub the organizers, got into my car and headed over there. When I arrived, I realized that I was the first; and that there was nobody there. I took a front row seat and soon, without knowing why, I stood up and left the area and got into my car, which I had parked near the entrance. With a blank mind I headed toward the highway, and a few meters later I saw Tommy, who was romping dangerously in the middle of the road, accompanied by another dog, with the imminent danger of their both being run over by a vehicle. Without getting out or stopping, I opened the back door of the car and I called, "Tommy, get in!" Tommy jumped into the car. What danger signal went off in my subconscious, like an alarm, when I was in the marquee? A signal that told me that Tommy was in great danger...

The end result was that I missed the show, but more than likely I saved Tommy from being killed.

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Asociación de socorro animal amigos de milord - Palencia. Spain. -
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